Day 9 – Najera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada

The day started out well, we were expecting a little rain and we got some later in the day. As well as a bit of thunder. The walk took us over a number of rolling hills, through small towns and many vineyards.

We stopped for lunch in a small park in a “new” town, it looks to have been completely built in the last 10 years. With modern sports facilities,a golf course, swimming pool etc.

We are over the 200km mark, passing a way point that stated 562km to go.

My feet are starting to fall apart I have 6 blisters and seem to have lost the end of one toe. Not really, the blister was so large it took off a callous from the end of the toe.

We arrived at our hotel just in time, as soon as we had settled in it began to hail. (See the photo). The temperature dropped slightly, then went back ip up to 26-28c. Most of the vineyards we have walked through have a lot of ripe grapes ready to be picked. I hope the hail didn’t do too much damage.

We went to mass in the cathedral de La Calzada, Santo Domingo de la Calzada they have 2 live chickens. If you want to know why follow this link, it’s a long story.







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